is the Head of the Technology Transfer Research Group. He is a computer scientist with a strong background in the cross section of innovation and technology. Besides his position at the FSU, he heads the research unit "Competitive Intelligence" at the Fraunhofer IMWExternal link. His research areas include the usage of data analytics (data and text mining; as well visual analytics) for applications in competitive intelligence. Prior to joining the Fraunhofer IMWExternal link he led the Topic Maps Lab at the University of LeipzigExternal link dedicated to flexible data integration and analysis.
Publications of Lutz MaicherExternal link (Researchgate)
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is a Research Software Engineer at the Technology Transfer Research Group. He is part of the NUCLEUS project team as a software architect and developer. He studied Computer Science at Leipzig University and at the Universidad de La Laguna.
Besides his position at the FSU, he leads the software development at the "Competitive Intelligence" unit at the Fraunhofer IMW. Before that he gained practical experience in Leipzig University's “Topic Maps Lab” and with several international companies.
is a researcher of the Technology Transfer Research Group. He works as a software developer for the competence map project in cooperation with the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig. Daniel has a diploma degree in computer science from the Technical University of Chemnitz and extensive professional experience in software development.